Message from the leaders of Global Electronics

Message from Our Leaders

Matsuda Kiichi, Executive Chairman

Matsuda Kiichi, Executive Chairman
Evolving the Hybridized Distribution-Manufacturing Model

Since the beginning, we built our distribution business based on close partnerships with American, European and Asian manufacturers of unique products and superior technologies. Our goal was to provide our customers with a wide range of analog-based electronic components.

We have since expanded our engineering functions, and added manufacturing capabilities to work synergistically with our distribution business. This has allowed us to become a comprehensive provider of not only components, but also integrated systems and value-added engineered products.

Our evolution from the early days as a distributor continues today, as we break into new business fields such as those of heat sink thermal solutions, processing devices, medical equipment, and home construction materials.

Our pledge is that every member of the Global Electronics Group companies strives to create and deliver valuable products and services that contribute to society.

Ichiki Shigeru, President

Ichiki Shigeru, President
Creating Value Added Beyond Customers' Expectations

Swiftly understanding and accurately responding to the changing needs of our customers and society is at the heart of the Global Electronics Group mission.

To accomplish this goal, we continue to pursue the advancement of our high-value added business, by taking advantage of the analog technology know-how that we have accumulated over the years, and by continually strengthening our global business network. For our core distribution business, we aim for an even richer offering with products that are both unique and reflect our originality and strengths. We will also pursue growth in the field of heat sink, medical devices and home construction materials products.

With a strong global network and a keen eye on world trends, the Global Electronics Group aims at anticipating customer needs to create value added that goes beyond customer and society expectations.
